Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Blake and Jess Have a Party

Blake and I invited our closest family and friends to our Engagement Party. We originally had planned to have the party at our home. As many of you know we have had several issues with our pool this summer, as well as the past. So, our close friend Susan offered to let us have the party at her gorgeous home. We decided that would be perfect!

The Invitation

We placed our entire party in her hands, with complete confidence too. The night before the party Blake and I went over to help set up as much as we could. Meagan and Bailey came to help! We headed home after setting up and grubbing on pizza.
Susan and Megs taking a break from setting up tables and chairs.
Griffin even helped out.
Me, Meg, and Blake after setting up.
Two of my favorites, Blake and Bailey.

The next day was party time. Susan and her husband Mike, along with the help of others, had put together the perfect party. We arrived to a gorgeous set-up, a live musician, and our wonderful family and friends.  We had great food and great fun!

The Couple that Made it Happen

Susan and Mike Renegar
Our Arrival 
Me and Susan
I am putting the "Groom to Be" ribbon on Blake.
Blake putting the "Bride to Be" sash on me.

We're ready to party!

The Party

Lenzy, my little helper.

Daddy and I celebrating!

Michelle, Jerica, Mom, and Me

The Music
(Thanks Rob Matthews)

 The Cake
(Thanks Rusty Jackson) 

Yes, that is Blake's IPad in his hands.

 The Wedding Party
(Minus a few)

The Girls

Missing Kelsey

The Boys 

Missing Kris and Matt

The Gifts

The girls loved their gifts!

Thank You From Blake and Jess

As you can see our party was a great success. Blake and I cannot thank Susan and Mike Renegar enough for all of the time and thought they put into our party. Blake and I are very blessed to have each and everyone of our family and friends in our lives. We love each of you and thank you for all of the support and encouragement during the special time in our lives.

Bless - Jess

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